Circle Time Activities
Here students have to chance to learn the correct use of English grammar. Geography, mathematics and science experiments are part of our broad curriculum.
Creative Project
This time is devoted to fine motor skills development. Brain building activities are practiced through cutting, painting, folding, stringing, etc.
Reading and Writing
A solid grounding in phonics gives children a head start in developing reading skills that will later help them become literate in English.
Classes are held daily for children age 3 and older. A wide range of age-appropriate educational apps is offered using Ipads to reinforce skills practiced in the classroom and make learning fun.
In our music room, children learn the rhythms of life from an early age. Musical instruments, chants, nursery rhymes as well as traditional Japanese songs translated into English are just part of our diversified music schedule.
Outside Play
Children enjoy physical activities that build strong and healthy bodies. Sports are part of the curriculum for kindergarten classes. They learn the rules and practice them on a regular basis.
Gym classes give children the opportunity to exercise and recharge their bodies. All levels of the school actively practice fundamental skills that help develop strong bodies with positive attitudes.
Dance classes help children develop body awareness. Students work on Jazz style dances, learning a wide range of moves that will help correct their posture in the classroom.